Quality & Compliance

ARISE is committed to providing high-quality services, protecting the privacy of our participants and strictly adhering to all federal, state and local regulations. If you have questions or need further information about any of our quality and compliance content, please contact: 

The ARISE Quality and Compliance Department, at (315) 671-2967

Code of Conduct 

Click here to view the Corporate Compliance Policy.

To report suspected compliance/ethical concerns call the Confidential Anonymous Compliance Hotline at (315) 671-4645 to speak to someone directly call (315) 671-2967

Anyone at any time can call the confidential hotline. When leaving an anonymous message, please leave as much detail as possible because we will not be able to contact you if we have questions. After hours calls are retrieved on the next business day. Please call 911 in the event of a life-threatening emergency. These are examples of reportable suspected compliance concerns:  

Breaches of Confidentiality Policy and Procedure Violations 
Abuse / Mistreatment Misuse of Agency Funds 
Acts of Fraud Stealing / Theft 
Safety Concerns HIPAA Violation 
Falsification of Documentation Exploitation 
Signing off on services never provided Neglect 
Billing services when none were provided Violation of Laws or Regulations 

Corporate Compliance 

ARISE’s corporate compliance program is a formal set of organizational systems intended to prevent, detect and respond to misconduct committed by employees or other agents. Our corporate compliance policies guide us in providing excellent service while preventing any waste, fraud or abuse of monies we receive to operate programs and serve individuals. As a part of corporate compliance, ARISE stresses the values of: 

  • Integrity 
  • Ethics 
  • Commitment to Quality of Care 
  • Confidentiality 
  • Fairness 
  • Diligence 
  • Prevention 
  • Open Communication 

Our systems focus on using proactive measures in the prevention and detection of any misconduct. We thoroughly investigate any compliance concerns, ensuring corrective actions are carried out to remedy the issue and prevent similar concerns. 

We employ multiple systems to monitor ourselves. We know the importance of internal auditing and using the findings as a way to assure participants’ safety, regulatory compliance and financial health. We stress protection under the whistleblower policy and encourage all employees, interns, volunteers, vendors, contractors, stakeholders and participants to come forward without doubt or fear of retaliation. 

Put simply, corporate compliance is about doing the right thing! 

To report any possible violations of our compliance policies, or to report possible compliance concerns, contact our Compliance Officer at:(315) 671-2967.

To anonymously report any possible violations of our compliance policies or compliance concerns, contact our anonymous corporate compliance hotline at (315) 671-4645 

Click here for Whistleblower Protection Information

Click here for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 

Your privacy is important to us. We have policies and procedures to guide us in protecting your information. See our related policies. 

The United States Department of Health and Human Services enacted comprehensive regulations that implement and enforce certain requirements of HIPAA with respect to the privacy of individually identifiable health information; these regulations are referred to as the HIPAA Privacy Regulations. 

ARISE’s policies and procedures establish certain requirements that must be followed by all volunteers, staff members and Board members in using and disclosing individually identifiable health information of individuals we serve. 

Notice of Privacy Practices 

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.  

Click here to download ARISE’s Notice of Privacy Practices (PDF – 39 KB) 

Click here to download ARISE’s Mental Health Clinic Notice of Privacy Practices (PDF – 51 KB)* 

For any questions related to our Notice of Privacy Practices or about our HIPAA policies,  call: (315) 671-2967 

Information About Incident Management 

ARISE supports the dignity and respect of each individual receiving services. Our incident management process, in accordance with Title 14 of New York Codes, Rules and Regulations Part 624 (14NYCRR Part 624), is intended to protect people receiving services overseen by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), and in accordance with Title 14 NYCRR Part 599 is intended to protect people receiving services overseen by the Office of Mental Health, as well as prevent unsafe events. When a situation potentially compromises the welfare of any individual receiving services from ARISE, we are committed to a process of reporting, implementing protections, investigating, reviewing, developing recommendations and continued monitoring. We are dedicated to ensuring the well being of individuals we serve and minimizing the risk of recurrence of any situation that jeopardizes any individual’s safety. 

Below are some additional resources about incidents, including ARISE’s Incident Management Policy: 

If you would like a paper copy of any of the resources listed above, please contact the supervisor of the ARISE program from which you or your family member receives services: (315) 472-3171