Our Mission & Team
Our mission is to work with people of all abilities to create a fair and just community in which everyone can fully participate.
As an Independent Living Center (ILC), ARISE promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the community. Like all ILCs, ARISE has five key characteristics. The agency is:
- consumer-controlled – it is operated by people with disabilities who directly influence policies and service delivery
- community-based – it is located in the communities we serve and is dedicated to meeting each community’s specific needs
- non-residential – we do not operate a residential facility and focus on helping people live as independently as possible
- non-profit – the agency meets the federal and state definitions of a not-for-profit organization
- cross-disability focused – we serve people of all ages with all types of disabilities
ARISE is dedicated to furthering the independent living philosophy: the belief that people with disabilities have the same rights as people who do not have disabilities. We are at the forefront of advocating for access, choice, and self-determination for individuals with disabilities.
We encourage you to get involved and give back to your community, either by volunteering to help ARISE accomplish its work, or by helping advocacy efforts that reduce the barriers people with disabilities face in their everyday lives.
Our staff reflect the diversity of our community and the people we serve. More than half of our staff are individuals who have a disability.
Our Management Team has extensive experience and expertise in helping people with disabilities maximize their ability to fully integrate into the community.
Please don’t hesitate to contact members of our management team for more information about ARISE services.

Tim Mahar, Director of Advancement
(315) 671-2903/ tmahar@ariseinc.org

Kristen Jackson, Director of Program Initiatives
(315) 671-5107/KJackson@ariseinc.org

Nina Lutz, Chief Program Officer for Independent Living
(315) 671-2904 / nlutz@ariseinc.org

Beth Hurny-Fricano, Director of Clinical Services
(315) 671-2952 /bhurnyfricano@ARISEinc.org

Kristi McClusky, Director of Quality Improvement, Corporate Compliance Officer
(315) 671-2967/kmcclusky@ariseinc.org